About heidi hinkle

You or someone you love is likely facing one of life’s most challenging transitions. I know this moment may be fraught with emotion, uncertainty, and countless questions. I want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone.

From the moment I step into your life, my mission is to serve as your compassionate guide, helping you navigate not just the logistics but also the emotional and spiritual elements of this profound part of our journey.

I’ll be there to help you articulate those wishes—about pain management, the atmosphere you want to create in your space, or how you’d like to be remembered. We hope your wishes and those of your loved ones are heard and deeply respected.

You won’t have to worry about a room filling up with visitors when you need peace or becoming empty when you crave connection. I help families create a visiting schedule that respects you and your loved ones’ need for connection, as well as your need for peace.

I deliver the relief of knowing that your family has a plan, that they are guided in knowing what steps to take immediately after your passing—whether it’s a ritual body washing or a home funeral adorned with your favorite flowers.

I’ll help organize tasks amongst your family members, from who will make the difficult calls to who will take charge of meals. If you wish, we can plan a celebration of life or a formal funeral that captures the essence of who you are and the life you’ve lived.

I offer comfort care not just for you but also for your loved ones. After all, they, too, are navigating an emotional terrain that’s both delicate and demanding. I hold monthly grief circles where loved ones can continue to find community and healing after you’ve made your transition.

In my care, you’ll find a heartfelt professional dedicated to making your journey from this life as peaceful, meaningful, and dignified as possible. If any of this resonates with you, please reach out. I’d be honored to support you and your family through this sacred time.

How I serve others

why i Am a death doula

It is my mission to guide individuals and their families through the complexities of end-of-life transitions with empathy, respect, and specialized care. I aim to demystify the process, ease emotional burdens, and honor the unique wishes of each person, facilitating a dignified and peaceful passage.

I envision a world where the final stages of life are met with the same love, care, and planning as its beginnings.

Through personalized support and community education, I strive to shift individual perspectives on death, making it a less feared and a more respected part of the human experience.

My long-term goal is to become a leading resource in end-of-life planning and care, contributing to a societal change that embraces death as a sacred, integral part of life’s journey.

Heidi’s training

Comprehensive training Programs

DDLA Death Doula Los Angeles

* Jill Shock 200-Hour Death Doula Certification Program

Center for Sacred Deathcare

* Sarah Kerr Sacred Deathcare Courses in Principles and Practices


* Francis Weller - The Sacred Work of Grief and Rituals

Specialized workshops and webinars

going with grace

* Alua Arthur - The Living Practice Online Webinar

william peters

* A Glimpse Beyond The Threshold: Shared Death Experience Workshop


Hospice SLO In-Home Volunteer Training

* 30-Hour Program with Focused Training for Volunteers Assisting With In-Home Hospice Care

Hospice SLO Weekly Facilitator General Grief Group

* 2.5 Hours Every Tuesday Facilitation and Support for Weekly Grief Groups


MonthLy grief tending circle

* Host - Open To All Forms Of Grief - A community-based approach to sharing and navigating grief in a supportive setting.